Fursad waxbarasho Jaamacadda gees ka afrika HAU
jaamacadda waxaay iden haysaa Fuculty yadan soo sucda:-
1- Fuculty of medicine
- general medicine
- pediatrics
- surgery
2- Fuculty of health science
- bachelor of nursing
- bachelor of public health
- bachelor of clinical laboratory
- bachelor of midwifery
- bachelor of nutrition
3- Fuculty of computer science
- bachelor of information technology ( IT )
4- Fuculty of economics and management
- bachelor of business administration
- bachelor of accounting
- bachelor of public administration
- bachelor of science and economic
- bachelor of banking and finance
- bachelor of Project management
- bachelor of HRM
- bachelor of marketing
5 - Fuculty of engineering
- bachelor of civil engineering
- bachelor of electronic engineering
6- Fuculty of agriculture & veterinary
- bachelor of science and agriculture
7- Fuculty of education
- - bachelor of biology and chemistry
- bachelor of physics and Math
8 - Fuculty of arts and social science
- bachelor of international relations and diplomacy
- bachelor of English and literature
- bachelor of political science
9 - Fuculty of Islamic study
كلية التربية.
كلية الدعوة واصول الدين
كلية الفقه وأصوله
كلية الكتاب والسنة
كلية علوم القران
كلية اللغة العربية
Dhamaan oraahda aan ku soo xusay qoraalkeyga faahfaahintiisu waxaad ka heli kartaa tel no 0616007130
Ku soo dhawaaw waxbarasho tay leh hormarna ku gaarsiinaya