WELCOME TO HORN OF AFRICA UNIVERSITY www.hau2.tk (HAU) Is Nonprofit, Non Governmental Educational Institution, founded by group of intellectuals on 15 March, 2011. Equipped with sufficient experience and familiarity with institutional status both locally and regionally, these intellectual scholars have noticed the existence of gap between the need of the community for higher level education and the opportunities offered by the local institutions. In response to this, the idea of establishing HAU began in year 2010 and finally, after deep thinking and continuous effort of the founders, the University was officially opened in March 2011 in Mogadishu to contribute toward success in providing higher level education at an affordable price. Our Vision To produce leading graduates in their respective field of studies. Mission: The purpose of HAU is to honorably serve the needs of the community in the Horn of Africa by offering education and knowledge of superior quality in all fields of studies we offer with our dedicated instructors and using the modern classroom teaching equipments and facilities at fair fees to the students for insuring financial stability, growth and further improvements. In doing so, we promote moral support to our staff by giving them remuneration and benefits that commensurate to their contribution to the university expectations. Main Objectives" HAU was established after seeing the great unsatisfied societal needs of higher education. HAU intends to provide an opportunity to every Somali citizen to acquire higher education with high quality. The University was officially opened in March 2011 in Mogadishu to contribute toward success in providing higher level education at an affordable price. HORN OF AFRICA UNIVERSITY (HAU) Is Nonprofit, Non Governmental Educational Institution, founded by group of intellectuals on 15 March, 2011. Equipped with sufficient experience and familiarity with institutional status both locally and regionally, these intellectual scholars have noticed the existence of gap between the need of the community for higher level education and the opportunities offered by the local institutions. In response to this, the idea of establishing HAU began in year 2010 and finally, after deep thinking and continuous effort of the founders, the University was officially opened in March 2011 in Mogadishu to contribute toward success in providing higher level education at an affordable price.


Horn of Africa University is arranged into faculties and departments academically.

The main faculties HAU provides account into vital and important for society needs and development; these include: 

1. Faculty of Medical and Health Science 
2. Faculty of Economics and Management Science 
3. Faculty of Education 
4. Faculty of Journalism
5. Faculty of Computer Science 
6. Faculty of Social Science and Literature 

7. Faculty of Shari’a and Law

All these faculties are running actively with highly developed qualified lecturers, professors and curriculum comparable with international students.


Each of the several faculties of HAU have got specialization departments. The different departments that HAU teaches include:

1. Department of Business Administration 
2. Department of Accountancy
3. Department of Nursing 
4. Department of Clinical Laboratory 
5. Department of Public Health 
6. Department of physics and Math 
7. Department of Biology and chemistry 
8. Department of Information Technology 
9. Department of Mass Communication 
10. Department of English Literature 
11. Department of Fiqi 
12. Department of Islamic Studies
13. Department of Hadith

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